Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
What a message for our time! In fact, I wonder if people can even understand what it means, to be pure in heart? Instead of running TOWARD every sinful thing, we should be running AWAY from it. Purity doesn't happen by accident. God is looking for people who are willing and eager to make the right kind of choices!
In the Bible, God tells us: Be holy, because I am holy. God warns his people not to defile themselves with the ways of the world. But we're also told that outward appearances are not enough. True purity goes even deeper than our actions:
For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart. I Samuel 16:7
David the shepherd boy had many older brothers who were all very handsome, intelligent and accomplished. And yet, God was not impressed with any of them and rejected them. It wasn't until David was brought before the prophet Samuel that God said, This is the one. Choose him to be the next King.
All our fine deeds and accomplishments mean nothing when displayed before God. God is looking for those who are pure in heart.