Do you know how the Tribulation begins? In Revelation chapter 4, the events of the End Times begin with worship. The Apostle John was caught up to heaven, to the very throne room of God: and there he saw amazing Seraphim, Angels and Elders who were worshiping God. They were all saying, "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come." This stained glass collage depicts the 24 Elders who worship God in Revelation 4. We also see the 4 Seraphim who worship before the throne at all times. One of the Seraphim has the face of an eagle, one has the face of a lion, one has the face of an ox and the fourth Seraphim has the face of a man. The Seraphim are covered with six wings and many eyes. They are very special creatures who never leave God's Presence. Only Christians can imagine the beauty and majesty of this scene. We have sensed God's Presence in our lives and we long to be where He is. God is going to end that separation very soon.