"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you." Isaiah 60:1
The Bible tells us there will be a day when "glory will be revealed." What does that mean? It means that evil will no longer be allowed to prosper: the reign of evil will end permanently.
+++ And THEN all the good that was ever done for Jesus will take on a whole new dimension. Perhaps people think the words of Jesus seem tame, mild, weak or possibly even useless. But when Jesus is fully revealed, everything about Jesus and everything done for Jesus will rise from the dust and obscurity, to become the awe-inspiring glorious center of everything!
+++ Then the goodness of God will get everybody excited, and awed. The Glory will be so compelling that people will be drawn to it irresistibly. It will be more attractive and powerful than anything you can think or imagine.
+++ And those who believed in Jesus, even before the revelation of his glory, will be rewarded.