People are usually more comfortable acknowledging Jesus as our Savior, than they are recognizing Him as our Lord. Jesus the Shepherd Savior is gentle, kindly, loving and nurturing. But the Lord Jesus Christ is more intimidating, and He expects something from us. Jesus gave us the perfect example of what "Lordship" means when He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane: "Not my will, but thine be done." This is the kind of prayer that God the Father loves to hear, because there is power in it to change lives, and even to change the whole world. Jesus the Shepherd loves us. But if you want MORE of God, then Jesus the LORD has power to change us. The difference comes in what I am willing to surrender to Him. When I've done all I can, tried all I can, and reached the end of what my own efforts can do, then Jesus asks me, "Would you like some help with that? But, you'll need to let me steer this boat if we're going to get somewhere." The Bible says that everyone will (eventually) bow our knees before Jesus as Lord: it will happen sooner or later. It's far better if we do it now. It's better because Jesus is worth surrendering to! His plans for us are better than our own. Let Jesus be the loving Savior AND the life-changing Lord of your life.